
PermissionsEx can be configured in-game using its set of commands:

Argument types

  • subject type: a type of subject

  • subject: A compound argument of subject type and identifier

  • context: A <context-type>=<context-value>

  • rank-ladder: The name of a currently existing rank ladder

  • permission: A permission string

  • option: An option string

  • permission value: a number, boolean, or none, null, or unset

Common flags

These flags can be specified after any permissions modification command to control the specific areas permissions are updated in:

  • --transient: If the data should be stored transiently (i.e. only for the current session)

  • --context <context>: A context to restrict a permission to, such as a world

The actual commands


Description: Provides simple information about PermissionsEx.

/pex|permissionsex help [command]

Description: Provide help about PermissionsEx commands


Provides an in-game help viewer for information on PermissionsEx commands

/pex|permissionsex debug|d [filter]

Description: Toggle whether all permissions checks are logged to console

Permission: permissionsex.debug

When enabled, any check executed through PermissionsEx will be logged to console. If the filter regular expression is provided, only permissions, objects, and parent names that match the pattern will be logged.

/pex|permissionsex import [source data store]

Description: Import data from another data store

Permission: permissionsex.import

Import permissions data from a configured backend, or automatically configured conversion provider. If no data store is specified, a list of available sources will be provided.

This import will fully replace any subject in the active data store that is also present in the source data store

/pex|permissionsex ranking|rank [ladder]

Description: Print the contents of a rank ladder

Permission: permissionsex.rank.view.<ladder>

Clickable buttons are added to ease working with rank ladders.

/pex|permissionsex ranking|rank <ladder> add|+ <subject> [position] [-r|--relative]

Description: Add a subject to the rank ladder

Permission: permissionsex.rank.add.<ladder>

Adds a subject to the rank ladder, by default at the end of the ladder. If a position is specified, the rank will be inserted at that position. If the rank is already on the ladder and the --relative flag is provided, the rank will be moved by the specified number of positions.

/pex|permissionsex ranking|rank <ladder> remove|rem|- <subject>

Description: Remove a subject from a rank ladder.

Permission: permissionsex.rank.remove.<ladder>

Remove a subject from a rank ladder.

/pex|permissionsex reload|rel

Description: Reload all PermissionsEx configuration

Permission: permissionsex.reload

Reloads all permissions data. The reload is performed asynchronously, and new data will only be applied if the reload is successful.

/pex|permissionsex version [--verbose|-v]

Description: Provide information on the current PermissionsEx version.

Permission: permissionsex.version

Print detailed information on the version of PermissionsEx that is currently running. If the verbose option is provided, more detailed information on base directories will be printed.

/pex|permissions <type> list

Description: List all subjects of a certain type

Permission: permissionsex.list.<type>

/pex|permissionsex <type> <subject> delete [--transient|-t]

Description:: Delete all data for a subject

Permission: permissionsex.delete.<type>.<subject>

/pex|permissionsex <type> <subject> info

Description:: Print all known information for a certain subject.


All information will be printed for the subject

/pex|permissionsex <type> <subject> option|options|opt|o|meta <key> [value] [--transient|-t] [--context key=value]

Description:: Sets or unsets an option for the subject

Permission: permissionsex.option.set.<type>.<subject>

Sets (if value is provided) or unset (if not provided) a certain option on the subject.

/pex|permissionsex <type> <subject> parents|parent|par|p add|a|+ <type> <subject> [--transient|t] [--context key=value]

Description:: Adds a parent to the subject

Permission: permissionsex.parent.add.<type>.<subject>

The parent will be added at the first position to the subject, meaning it will take priority over other parents.

/pex|permissionsex <type> <subject> parents|parent|par|p remove|rem|delete|del|- <type> <subject> [--transient|t] [--context key=value]

Description:: Adds a parent to the subject

Permission: permissionsex.parent.remove.<type>.<subject>

Remove the specified parent from the subject.

/pex|permissionsex <type> <subject> parents|parent|par|p remove|rem|delete|del|- <type> <subject> [--transient|t] [--context key=value...]

Description:: Replace all parents of the subject with one parent.

Permission: permissionsex.parent.set.<type>.<subject>

Remove all parents from the subject and replace them with the one provided subject.

/pex|permissionsex <type> <subject> permission|permissions|perm|perms|p <permission> <value> [--transient|t] [--context key=value...]

Description:: Set the permission for a subject

Permission: permissionsex.permission.set.<type>.<subject>

Set a permission on the subject.

Permission values can be a true or false value to explicitly set the permission, none, null, or unset to clear the permission, or a number to assign a weight to the permission.

  • Prefixing a permission with # means that its value will only be applicable to a subject and its direct parents.

  • Glob syntax will be evaluated for permissions:

    • permissionsex.{permission,parent}.set will evaluate to both permissionsex.permission.set and permissionsex.parent.set

    • some.permission[a-z] will match some.permissiona, some.permissionb, and so on, all the way through until some.permissionz

/pex|permissionsex <type> <subject> permission-default|perms-def|permsdef|pdef|pd|default|def <value> [--transient|t] [--context key=value...]

Description:: Set the fallback permission value for a subject

Permission: permissionsex.permission.set-default.<type>.<subject>

Set the default permissions value for a subject. This is the result that is returned for a subject when no more specific node matches.

This value is roughly equivalent to the * permission formerly used, but will not override permissions specifically set to false.



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